A partial list of publications and articles by Altostratus Inc. (Dr. Haider Taha). Please contact us for other papers and reports or for additional information.
The lists below are in reverse chronological order.
1) Journals (partial list) |
Taha H, 2024. Micrometeorological effects and thermal-environmental benefits of cool pavements: Findings from a detailed observational field study in Pacoima, California. Environmental Research Communications, 6 035016, doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ad2a8e (open access).
Taha H, 2021. Development of an urban heat mitigation plan for the Greater Sacramento Valley, California, a Csa Koppen climate type. Sustainability,
13 (17), 9709, doi: 10.3390/su13179709. Open access.
Taha H, 2020. Site-specific weather files and fine-scale probabilistic microclimate zones for current and future climates and land use. IBPSA News, 3, 2, pp. 29 - 41 (October 2020).
Taha H, Levinson RM, Mohegh A, Gilbert H, Ban-Weiss G, Chen S, 2018. Air-temperature response to neighborhood-scale variations in albedo and canopy cover in the real world: Fine-resolution meteorological modeling and mobile temperature observations in the Los Angeles climate archipelago. Climate, 6, 53, doi:10.3390/cli6020053. Open access.
Taha H, 2017. Characterization of Urban Heat and Exacerbation: Development of a Heat Island Index for California. Climate, 5, 59, doi:10.3390/cli5030059 (2017). Open access.
Taha H, Wilkinson J, Bornstein RD, Xiao Q, McPherson G, Simpson J, Anderson C, Lau S, Lam J, Blain C, 2015. An urban –forest control measure for ozone in the Sacramento, CA Federal Non-Attainment Area (SFNA), Sustainable Cities and Society, 21, 51-65 doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2015.11.004. Link to paper.
Taha H, 2015. Cool cities: counteracting potential climate change and its health impacts. Invited paper, Current Climate Change Reports, doi: 10.1007/s40641-015-0019-1. Paper can be accessed at publisher..
Taha H, 2015. Meteorological, air-quality, and emission-equivalence impacts of urban heat island control in California. Sustainable Cities and Society, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2015.03.009. Link to paper.
Taha H, 2013. Meteorological, emissions, and air-quality modeling of heat-island mitigation: Recent findings for California, U.S.A. International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies, doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctt010. Link to paper or as part of a
Special Issue on Urban Heat Islands.
Taha H, 2012. The potential for air-temperature impact from large-scale deployment of solar photovoltaic arrays in urban areas. Solar Energy, Vol. 91, pp. 358–367 (May 2013), doi:10.1016/j.solener.2012.09.014.
Link to paper.
Taha H, 2012. Mesoscale and meso-urban meteorological and photochemical modeling of heat island mitigation in California: Results and regulatory aspects. Journal of Heat Island Institute International, 7-2 (212). Paper can be accessed here.
Taha H, Sailor, D, 2010. Evaluating the effects of radiative forcing feedback in modeling urban ozone air quality in Portland, Oregon: Two-way coupled MM5 - CMAQ simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 137, 291-305. Link to paper-- doi:10.1007/s10546-010-9533-9.
Chen F, Kusaka H, Bornstein R, Ching J, Grimmond C.S.B, Grossman-Clarke S, Loridan T, Manning K, Martilli A, Miao S, Sailor D, Salamanca F, Taha H, Tewari M, Wang X, Wyszogrodzki A, Zhang C, 2010. The integrated WRF/urban modeling system: development, evaluation, and applications to urban environmental problems. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.2158. Link to paper. Special Issue on ICUC-7 Urban Climate Meeting, Vol. 31, Issue 2, pp. 273-288 (February 2011).
Ching J, Brown M, Burian S, Chen F, Cionco R, Hanna A, Hultgren T, McPherson T, Sailor D, Taha H, Williams D, 2009. National urban database and access portal tool, NUDAPT. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2675.1. See paper here.
Taha H, 2008. Meso-urban meteorological and photochemical modeling of heat island mitigation. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 8795-8809. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.06.036. Link to paper.
Taha H, 2008. Episodic performance and sensitivity of the urbanized MM5 (uMM5) to perturbations in surface properties in Houston TX. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 127, 193-218. doi:10.1007/s10546-007-9258-6. Link to paper.
Taha H, 2008. Urban surface modification as a potential ozone air-quality improvement strategy in California: A mesoscale modeling study. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 127, 219-239. doi:10.1007/s10546-007-9259-5. Link to paper.
Akbari H, Rose S, Taha H, 2003. Analyzing the land cover of an urban environment using high-resolution orthophotos, Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 63, No. 1, (March 2003), pp. 1-14 -- doi:10.1016/S0169-2046(02)00165-2.
Link to paper.
Taha H, Meier A, Gao W, Ojima T, 2000. Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands: Meteorology, Energy, and Air Quality Impacts, Journal of the AIJ, No. 529, pp. 69-76 (March 2000), Tokyo, Japan. Link to paper.
Taha H, Bornstein R, 1999. Urbanization of meteorological models: Implications on simulated heat islands and air quality, Invited Paper, International Congress of Biometeorology and International Conference on Urban Climatology (ICB-ICUC) Conference, 8-12 November 1999, Sydney Australia. See paper (PDF) here.
Taha H, 1999. Modifying a Mesoscale Meteorological Model to Better Incorporate Urban Heat Storage: A Bulk-Parameterization Approach, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 38. No. 4, pp. 466-473. See paper here.
Taha H, Konopacki S, Gabersek S, 1999. Impacts of large-scale surface modifications on meteorological conditions and energy use: A 10-region modeling study, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol. 62, no. 3-4, pp. 175-185. Link to paper.
Taha H, Konopacki S, Akbari H, 1998. Impacts of lowered urban air temperatures on precursor emission and ozone air quality. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, Vol. 48 (1998), pp. 860-865. Link to paper.
Nowak DJ, Cardelino CA, Rao ST, Taha H, 1998. Estimating cost effectiveness of residential yard trees for improving air quality in Sacramento, California, using existing models. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 32, No. 14-15, pp. 2709-2711.
Quattrochi D, Luvall J, Lo CP, Kidder S, Taha H, Bornstein R, Gillies R, Gallo K, 1998. Project ATLANTA, Proceedings of the American Meteorological Society's Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 2-7, 1998.
Taha H, Meier A, 1997. Mitigation of urban heat islands: Meteorology, energy, and air quality impacts, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monitoring and Management of Urban Heat Island, CREST/JST, pp. 124- 163, November 19-20, Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan.
Taha, H, 1997. Modeling the Impacts of Large-Scale Albedo Changes on Ozone Air Quality in the South Coast Air Basin, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 31, No. 11, pp. 1667-1676 (1997). Link to paper.
Taha H, 1996. Modeling the Impacts of Increased Urban Vegetation on the Ozone Air Quality in the South Coast Air Basin, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 30, No. 20 (1996), pp. 3423-3430. Link to paper.
Taha H, Douglas S, Haney J, 1997. Mesoscale meteorological and air quality impacts of increased urban albedo and vegetation, Energy & Buildings - Special Issue on Urban Heat Islands, Vol. 25, Number 2 (1997), pp. 169-177. Link to paper.
Taha H, 1997. Urban Climates and Heat Islands: Albedo, Evapotranspiration, and Anthropogenic Heat, Energy & Buildings - Special Issue on Urban Heat Islands, Vol. 25, Number 2 (1997), pp. 99-103. Link to online version.
Rosenfeld A, Akbari H, Taha H, Pomerantz M, 1996. Cool roofs and pavements to help hot smoggy cities. Presented at the ASCE Annual Convention, Washington DC, November 11, 1996.
Gabersek S, Taha H, Impacts of surface characteristics changes on urban heat island intensity. ICB 96, 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, September 1-8, 1996, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Rosenfeld A, Akbari H, Bretz S, Fishman B, Kurn D, Sailor D, Taha H, 1995. Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands: Materials, Utility programs, Updates, Energy and Buildings, 22, (1995), pp. 255-265. Link to paper.
Fishman B, Taha H, Akbari H, 1994. Mesoscale cooling effects of high-albedo surfaces: Analysis of meteorological data from White Sands National Monument and White Sands Missile Range, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report No. 35056. Link to report.
Akbari H, Taha H, 1992. The Impact of Trees and White Surfaces on Residential Heating and Cooling Energy Use in Four Canadian Cities, Energy, the International Journal, Vol. 17, No. 2 (1992), pp. 141-149.
Taha H, Akbari H, Rosenfeld A, 1991. Heat Island and Oasis Effects of Vegetative Canopies: Micrometeorological Field-Measurements, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol. 44, No. 2 (1991), pp. 123-138. Link to paper.
Taha H, Akbari H, Rosenfeld A, 1988. Residential Cooling Loads and the Urban Heat Island: The Effects of Albedo. Building and Environment, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 271-283. Link to paper.
2) Book Sections |
Taha H, 2003. Heat Islands and Energy, an invited article. The Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 3, pp. 133-143. Academic Press / Elsevier Inc., Cutler J. Cleveland, Editor-in-Chief (March 2004). Link to Chapter. Also see the
Table of Contents here.
Taha H, 1996. Contribution to the book "Everyday Science Explained", by C. Suplee, National Geographic Society (1996).
3) Reports (partial list) |
Taha H, 2021. Intra-urban enhancements to probabilisitc climate forecasting for the electric system. Final Report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Energy Commission (CEC), Sacramento, California. Report can be accessed at this location.
Taha H, 2020. Capital region heat-pollution reduction: Atmospheric modeling for the development of a regional heat-pollution reduction plan. Technical Report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and the California Department of Transportaiont. See the report here.
Taha H, Ban-Weiss G, Chen S, Gilbert H, Goudey H, Ko J, Mohegh A, Rodriguez A, Slack J, Tang T, Levinson R, 2018. Modeling and observations to detect neighborhood-scale heat islands and inform effective countermeasures in Los Angeles. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment. California Energy Commission. Publication Number: CCCA4-CEC-2018-007. See the report here.
Taha H, Freed T, 2015. Creating and mapping an urban heat island index for California. Project Report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA). Report can be accessed at the Cal/EPA website at this location. Furthermore, the Cal/EPA Urban Heat Island Index webpage with data and maps can be accessed
at this location.
Taha H, 2012. Ranking and prioritizing the deployment of community-scale energy measures based on their indirect effects in California's climate zones. Final Report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Energy Commission (CEC), PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research, Sacramento, California. Report is available from author and will be soon available from the CEC web site. A fact sheet is available here.
Taha H, 2011. Multi-episodic and seasonal meteorological, air-quality, and emission-equivalence impacts of heat island control and evaluation of the potential atmospheric effects of urban solar photovoltaic arrays. Final report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Energy Commission (CEC), PIER Environmental Research Program, Sacramento, California. The report can be downloaded from the CEC web site either from the Summary Page or directly from
this location. A fact sheet is also available
Taha H, Wilkinson J, Bornstein R, 2011. Urban forest for clean air demonstration in the Sacramento Federal Non Attainment Area: Atmospheric modeling in support of a voluntary control strategy. Project final report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), Sacramento, California. Note: because of size, please send email to haider@altostratus.com to request a copy of the report via FTP.
Taha H, 2007. Urban surface modification as a potential ozone air-quality improvement strategy in California -- Phase 2: Fine-resolution meteorological and photochemical modeling of urban heat islands. Final report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California, PIER Environmental Research. An Abstract is available on the Energy Commission's web site. The full report can also be
downloaded here from the Commission's website.
Taha H, 2005. Urban surface modification as a potential ozone air-quality improvement strategy in California -- Phase 1: Initial Mesoscale Modeling. Final report prepared by Altostratus Inc. for the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California, PIER Environmental Research. See the Full Report at this link or the
Executive Summary only on the Energy Commission's web site. A very
short summary is also available.
Bornstein R, Balmori R, Noble J, Taha H, 2005. Urban heat island alterations from urban-forest and albedo changes in the Houston-Galveston region: fine-resolution urbanized MM5 modeling of an August-September 2000 episode. Final Report prepared for Houston Advanced Research Center. Contact author: haider@altostratus.com.
Taha H, 2005. Potential for mitigating impacts of heat wave episodes in the U.S.: A four-region meteorological modeling study. Final Report prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, by Altostratus Inc. Report will be available on EPA Web site; currently available from author: haider@altostratus.com.
Taha H, 2003. Potential meteorological and air-quality implications of heat-island reduction strategies in the Houston-Galveston TX region. Technical Note (January 2003), 143 pp., available from the author: haider@altostratus.com
Taha H, 2003. Potential meteorological and air-quality impacts of heat island reduction strategies (HIRS) on the Chicago IL region. Technical Note (April 2003), 52 pp., available from the author: haider@altostratus.com
Taha H, 2003. Mesoscale meteorological and air quality modeling of heat island reduction strategies. Technical Note (April 2003), 53 pp., available from the author: haider@altostratus.com
Taha H, 2003. Multi-regional modeling assessment of the potential meteorological impacts of heat island reduction. Technical Note (April 2003), 46 pp., available from the author: haider@altostratus.com
Taha H, Akbari H, 2003. Cool roofs as an energy conservation measure for federal buildings. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report No. 51895. Berkeley, California. See report here.
Taha H, Hammer H, Akbari H, 2002. Meteorological and air quality impacts of increased urban albedo and vegetative cover in the Greater Toronto, Canada Region. LBNL Report No. 49210. See the report (PDF) here.
Taha H, 2001. Climate change and air quality: A preliminary episodic modeling assessment of the Los Angeles Basin, in Koteen, L., Bloomfield, J., Eichler, T., Tonne, C., Young, R., Poulshok, H., and Sosler, A., 2001, Climate Change and Human Health, in Hot Prospects: The potential impacts of global climate change on Los Angeles and the Southland, Environmental Defense (2001). See the report (PDF) here.
Taha H, Chang SC., Akbari H, 2001. Sensitivity of the Houston-Galveston meteorology and ozone air quality to local perturbations in surface albedo, vegetation fraction, and soil moisture. LBNL Report No. 47663.
Taha H, Chang SC, Akbari H, 2001. Meteorological and air quality implications of heat island reduction in Houston TX. LBNL Draft Report.
Taha H, 2000. Potential impacts of climate change on tropospheric ozone in California: A preliminary modeling assessment of the Los Angeles Basin and the Sacramento Valley. LBNL report 46695. Download report here.
Emery C, Taha H, 2000. Reconciliation of two modeling efforts that estimate the air quality benefits of cool communities strategies in the South Coast Air Basin. Technical note prepared for the City of Los Angeles, Department of Environmental Affairs.
Taha H, Chang SC, Akbari H, 2000. Meteorological And Air Quality Impacts Of Heat Island Mitigation Measures In Three U.S. Cities. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report No. LBNL-44222. Berkeley, California. Link to report PDF.
Taha H, 1998. Impacts of cool cities on air quality: A preliminary modeling assessment for Nashville TN, Dallas TC, and Atlanta GA. LBNL Report No. 42256. See the report PDF here.
Taha H, 1997. On urbanizing a mesoscale meteorological model: A bulk-parameterization approach. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, No. 41151, available from author.
Gabersek S, Taha H, 1995. A preliminary multi-city assessment of the impacts of increased urban albedo and vegetation on regional meteorology and energy use. LBL Report No. 37887, October 1995, Berkeley, California.
Taha H, Douglas S, Haney J, Winer A, Benjamin M, Hall D, Hall J, Liu X, Fishman B, 1995. Modeling the ozone air quality impacts of increased albedo and urban forest in the South Coast Air Basin. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 37316, Berkeley, California.
Taha H, Liu X, Sailor D, Meier A, Benjamin M, Winer A, Douglas S, Haney J, 1994. Analysis of energy efficiency and air quality in the South Coast Air Basin of California -- Phase II. LBL Report No. 35728 (Volume 2), 419 pp.
Fishman B, Taha H, Akbari H, 1994. Mesoscale Cooling Effects of High-Albedo Surfaces: Analysis of Meteorological Data from White Sands National Monument and White Sands Missile Range. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory report No. 35056. Link to report.
Taha H, 1993. Meteorological and Photochemical Simulations for the South Coast Air Basin. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 35696.
Taha H, 1993. Aircraft-Based Albedo Measurements over the South Coast Air Basin. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 35697.
Taha H, Douglas S, Haney J, 1993. Sensitivity Analysis with the UAM Photochemical Model: the August 26-28, 1987 Oxidant Episode. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 35728.
Taha H, Ritschard R, 1993. Impacts of Global Climate Change on Cities: Energy, Ozone, and Surface Characteristics. Proceedings of the Fourth Global Warming International Conference, April 5-8, Chicago, U.S.A. Also, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 36892.
Taha H, Sailor D, Akbari H, 1992. High-albedo materials for reducing cooling energy use. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 31721, UC-350.
Taha H, Sailor D, Ritschard R, Huang B, Winer A, 1992. Database on albedo, surface moisture, and roughness length for meteorological simulations of the South Coast Air Basin. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 33051
Taha H, 1990. An Urban Microclimate Model for Site-Specific Energy Simulation: Boundary Layers, Urban Canyon, and Building Conditions. LBL Report No. 29630, Doctoral Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
Taha H, 1988. Site-Specific Heat-Island Simulations: Model Development and Application to Microclimate Conditions. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. 26105. Masters Thesis, University of California.
4) Presentations in conferences and meetings (partial) |
Taha, H., 2017. "Robert D. Bornstein Named Sessions: Introductory Remarks” (invited presentation), American Meteorological Society 97th Annual Meeting, 13th Symposium on the Urban Environment, January 22-26, Seattle, Washington.
Taha, H., 2016. "Characterization and mitigation of urban heat: Meteorological and air-quality modeling", Invited presentation at the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative meeting, organized by the Local Government Commission (LGC) and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), October 14, 2016, Sacramento City Hall, Sacramento, California. The presentation can be viewed here.
Taha, H., 2016. "The California Urban Heat Island Index and the Los Angeles urban heat project", Invited presentation, Urban Heat Island Convening organized by Climate Resolve and Los Angeles Mayor's offices of sustainability and resilience, July 7, 2016, La Kretz Innovation Campus, Los Angeles, California..
Taha, H., 2012. “Ranking community-scale energy measures based on their indirect effects in California climate zones”. Presentation to the California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California, June 14, 2012.
Taha, H. 2011. "Increased urban albedo for mitigation of climate change's potential local impacts on urban meteorology and ground-level ozone". World Climate Research Program, "Climate Research in Service to Society", October 24-28, 2011, Denver Colorado. Abstract can be seen here.
Taha, H. 2010. "Multi-episodic and seasonal evaluation of the impacts of heat island control and solar power generation on meteorology and air quality", Presentation at the California Energy & Air Quality Conference, October 12, 2010, California Energy Commission, Sacramento, California. The presentation PDF can be seen here on the California Energy Commission's web site.
The conference agenda can be seen here.
Taha, H. 2009. "Mesoscale and Meso-urban Meteorological and Photochemical Modeling of Heat Island Mitigation in California: Results and Regulatory Aspects". Presentation at the Second International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Islands, September 20-23, 2009, Berkeley, California. Presentation can be seen here, and the corresponding paper
can be viewed here. Conference organizing committee and information can be found at
this link. Conference agenda can be found
Taha, H. 2008. "Understanding the role heat island controls could have on improving air quality". Presentation at the California Energy and Air Quality Conference (sponsored by the California Energy Commission PIER-EA; California EPA; Bay Area AQMD, South Coast AQMD, Air Resources Board), October 29-30, 2008, South Coast Air Quality Management District, Diamond Bar, California. The presentation can be seen here and the conference agenda and speakers biography is available
Bornstein, R.D., Gonzalez, J., Lebassi, B., and Taha, H. 2008. "Cooling summer daytime temperatures in coastal California during 1948-2005: Observations, modeling, and implications". Chair's Air Pollution Seminar, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, California, August 19, 2008. See the Announcement here, or the
Presentation at this link.
Ching, J., Taha, H., Chen, F., and Miao, S. 2008. "Sensitivity of CMAQ to urbanized meteorological fields based on National Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (NUDAPT)". Presented at the American Meteorological Society's 15th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air & Waste Management Association 10th Conference on Atmospheric Chemsitry, New Orleans, Louisiana, 20-24 January 2008 -- See abstract here.
Bornstein, R., Weinroth, E., Balmori, R., and Taha, H. 2008. "Simulations of met conditions during a Houston ozone episode and the NYC DHS MSG tracer study with urbanized MM5 (uMM5)". Presented at the American Meteorological Society's 15th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air & Waste Management Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, 20-24 January 2008 --
See abstract here.
Taha, H. 2007. "Mesoscale and meso-urban modeling of heat islands and control: Evaluation of potential ozone air-quality impacts in California", Paper 1.8, Presented at the American Meteorological Society / 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, September 10-13, San Diego, California -- Link to abstract
Taha, H. and Ching, J. 2007. "UCP / MM5 Modeling in conjunction with NUDAPT: Model requirements, updates, and applications", Paper 6.4, Presented at the American Meteorological Society / 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, September 10-13, San Diego, California -- Link to abstract
Taha, H. 2007. "Urban heat islands and their mitigation vs. Local impacts of climate change", Poster Presentation at the 4th California Climate Change Conference, California Energy Commission, September 10-13, 2007, Sacramento, California (available from author: haider@altostratus.com)
Bornstein, R., Balmori, R., Weinroth, E., and Taha, H. 2007. "Simulations for a Houston ozone episode and the NYC DHS MSG tracer study with an urbanized version of MM5", Paper, Paper 11.6, Presented at the American Meteorological Society / 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, September 10-13, San Diego, California -- Link to abstract
Taha, H. 2007. "UCP / MM5 ( uMM5) -- Part-1: UCP and LULC data needs, Part-2: Applications and Evaluation". Presentation at the Second Annual EPA / NUDAPT Workshop, April 18-20, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presentation not in public domain -- for copy, contact haider@altostratus.com
Taha, H. 2006. "Understanding the role heat island control could have in improving air quality", Presentation at the inaugural Electricity and Air Quality Conference, October 3-4, Sacramento, California, organized by the California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the South Coast Air Quality Management District. See the presentation on the CEC web site. The conference agenda is available
Taha, H. 2006. "Fine-resolution UCP-meteorological and photochemical modeling: Parameterizations and urban database needs". Presentation at the first Annual EPA / NUDAPT Workshop. National Center for Atmospheric Research, May 10-12, 2006, Boulder, Colorado. Presentation not in public domain -- for copy, contact haider@altostratus.com
Taha, H. 2006. Presentation to the US EPA: "Urban Surface Modifications: Ozone air-quality impacts in California". See presentation here.
Taha, H., Bornstein, R., and Balmori, R. 2005. "Use of the Martilli-Dupont urbanized MM5 to simulate the Houston urban heat island for air-quality applications", 9th Annual Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, George Mason University, July 18-20, 2005, Fairfax, Virginia.
Taha, H., Bornstein, R., Balmori, R., and Noble, J. 2005. "Urban surface modifications and their potential effects on air quality in the Houston-Galveston region", Paper 9.2, Atmospheric Sciences and Air Quality Conference, American Meteorological Society, April 27-29, 2005, San Francisco, California. See abstract here.
Taha, H., Bornstein, R., Balmori, R., and Noble, J. 2005. "Impacts of urban and rural land-use and land-cover changes on MM5 simulated meteorological conditions in the Houston-Galveston region", 16th Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification, 85th Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society, January 10-14, 2005, San Diego, California.
Taha, H., Bornstein, R., and Balmori, R. 2004. "Updated assessment of impacts from urban and rural surface modifications on meteorology and air quality in Houston-Galveston region", 8th Annual Conference on Transport and Dispersion Modeling, George Mason University, July 2004, Fairfax, Virginia.
Taha, H., Bornstein, R., Ching, J., and Dupont, S. 2004. "Application of the urbanized MM5 to the Houston-Galveston TX region", Paper 9.10, 5th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, Vancouver BC, August 2004. See abstract here.
Taha, H., Kalkstein, L., Sheridan, S., and Wong, E. 2004. "The potential of urban environmental control in alleviating heat-wave health effects in five U.S. regions", Paper J4.3, 16th Symposium on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, American Meteorological Society, Vancouver BC, August 2004. See paper here.
Taha, H. and Meier, A. "Mitigation of urban heat islands: Meteorology, energy, and air quality impacts", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monitoring and Management of Urban Heat Island, CREST/JST, pp. 124- 163, November 19-20, Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan.
Rosenfeld, A., Akbari, H., Taha, H., and Pomerantz, M. 1996. "Cool roofs and pavements to help hot smoggy cities", Presented at the ASCE Annual Convention, Washington DC, November 11, 1996.
Gabersek, S. and Taha, H. "Impacts of surface characteristics changes on urban heat island intensity". Presented at the ICB 96, 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, September 1-8, 1996, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Akbari, H., Rosenfeld, A., Taha, H., and Gartland, L. 1995. "Mitigation of summer urban heat islands to save electricity and reduce smog", Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, January 28 - February 2, 1996, Atlanta GA. Also LBL Report No. 37787, Berkeley CA.
5) Contributions (partial list) |
Introduction article "Urban heat islands, effects, and mitigation", in Sustain, Special Issue on Heat Islands, Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development, University of Louisville, No. 29 (Fall/Winter 2014), p 2-8. See it here.
Chapter in U.S. EPA "Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of strategies". Link.
Chapter in "Buildings sector demand-side efficiency technology summaries". See it here.
Summary on US EPA Heat Island Pilot Project -- Sacramento, California. See article.
Information for article "Urban heat island mitigation can improve New York City's environment". Link.
Akbari, H., Rosenfeld, A., Taha, H. 1995. "Cool construction materials offer energy savings and help reduce smog", ASTM Standardization News, pp. 2-7, November 1995.
6) Stories and mentions |
Nature, How Cities Can Beat the Heat. Link to the story in Nature.
Cities are overheating and cooling them off will be risky. Link to article in Vice-Motherboard.
Urban Climate News, Mesoscale and meso-urban meteorological, emissions, and photochemical modeling in support of heat island mitigation strategies: Examples of on-going projects. International Association for Urban Climates (IAUC). Link to article
Assessment of International Urban Heat Island Research, Report prepared for the US Department of Energy by Navigant Consulting. Link to Report.
New Scientist (UK), White Paint on a Hot Tin Roof. Link to article.
EA Recent Research. How shiny is LA?. Link to article.
EETD Newsletter. Meteorology, Energy, and Air Quality. Link to article.
Popular Science Magazine (US)
Los Angeles Times (US)
San Jose Mercury News (US)
New York Times (US)
London Financial Times (UK)
Interlinked climate and energy challenges. Link to article.